Thursday, December 31, 2009

Marcia's News for New Year's Eve ~ December 31st

Hello Everyone!

Next week is Marcia's 80th day after her transplant! This is a big milestone in the process and a point when much testing and evaluating will be done to see just how everything is working. As we said in our last message, the Graft-Versus-Host Disease (GVHD) that was so very threatening for awhile now seems to be completely gone. The challenges continue with the edema - water retention - slowly going down but still there and the recent discovery of some types of food that she is just unable to eat right now. Under all of these circumstances she continues to do pretty well however, as we can all only imagine, she really, really, really just wants to go HOME!

Christmas day was a busy one as family gathered at the house and had breakfast and then took presents and breakfast for Marcia down to the hospital. There they took the bed out of the room and brought in chairs for everyone and gifts were opened and then everyone shared a "buffet" brunch. Lots of people on the floor had visitors but we didn't see anything anywhere like Marcia's Christmas "party".

Tina has been staying with Marcia at the hospital - sleeping on a cot in her room - almost every night for going on the last month. This has been difficult for her and her family but Marcia has really needed her and we feel certain her being there has made a significant positive difference in her progress. Her family - Jeff and the kids - have supported her and it's helped that Brianna now has her license and has been able to do some of the driving for herself and Justin.

Shawna has taken over all of Marcia's tasks at the Scrapbook Pad, in addition to her own and has done a great job of keeping the store going. This too has been a team effort on the part of her and her family - Chris and the kids - and has not been easy either as, as most of you know, her children are younger - Cameron is just in kindergarten and Alexa is going to be 11 in a couple of months - and she too lives out a ways from the store and she has a second very demanding job as well.

We want to thank you all for your continued interest and caring and support. We ask that you continue to hold Marcia and all of us in your positive thoughts and prayers and we'll do the same for you.

We wish you a happy and blessed new year and we hope against hope that next year will be an easier and happier one for all of us.

Very best New Year's wishes!

The McNulty Family

Marcia & Pat
Tina & Jeff
grandkids Brianna & Justin
Shawna & Chris
grandkids Alexa & Cameron


  1. Happy New Year! Thinking of you everyday, Aunt Marcia. I am so happy to hear that the GVHD is gone. I hope that you are able to go home soon.
    Love you,

  2. We wish you all the best in your journey. You will be in our family's thought & prayers.

    Mark & Nicol Weller

  3. Dennis and Joanne WellerDecember 31, 2009 at 6:58 PM

    Dear Marcia,
    Karyn came over last night and I was relieved that I could finally tell you that you have been in my prayers since last summer. I work a lot in blood bank at Northwest. You are an inspiration. We have missed not seeing you drive down the street. With much love to you and your family. If there is anything that we can do for you please give us a call.
    Dennis and Joanne Weller

  4. Hi Marcia:
    So glad to hear you are doing so much better. Yeah, Happy New Year!!!!!
    Let me know if I can do anything for you. Take care and I will continue to keep you in my prayers to continue on this path of upwardness.
