Thursday, November 19, 2009

Marcia's news for November 18th

Hello Everyone:

The wild weather knocked out my Internet last night and into today, but we're back and here is the latest.

We'll start by saying that Marcia is not very happy about it, and that's putting it mildly, but she went back into the UW Hospital yesterday. She has some sort of bacteria that they must identify and treat right away and vigorously. It may be a systemic thing again... those things that as we've mentioned before we all carry but that get a good hold on you when your immune system is wiped out, and/or they are also looking into it coming from her port. If that's the case they will have to fix it... maybe by taking the port out, as it would continue to feed bacteria into her system so long as it's there.

So she is back to hating the food and missing being at home, although the amount of time they were spending away from home and on the freeway and at Fred Hutch - which was lots, lots, lots every day, sometimes twice a day, and at all hours - just tells you how very much she does not want to be in the hospital.

The good news is that all the transplant numbers that matter are going well and going in the right direction. They say she is doing fine on that front so all the rest of these issues are being dealt with so aggressively in order to keep that happening until her immune system builds back up.

Her direct phone number at UW is 206/598-3910 and she is in room 8224. She is determined to get back out as soon as she can and she is absolutely determined to be at home for Thanksgiving!!!

We'll let you know!
Marcia's Family

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