Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Marcia's News for Tuesday August 4th

Hello Everyone!

Good News!

The doctors tell us that Marcia's blood count numbers have begun to improve! She continues to tolerate the chemo well however her doctors have warned that some of the side-effects do occur after chemo is completed. Maybe she'll be one of those lucky ones who have very few of them!

Last night the entire family gathered in her room for a visit and a fried chicken dinner put together by Tina and Shawna. It was fun for everyone and very uplifting for Marcia to have her entire immediate family all together. There is no somber "hospital mood" in good old room 434, that's for sure, which seems to be a good and positive approach so long as she is feeling well enough to tolerate it. I'm not sure Northwest has seen quite this kind of activity before, but they seem perfectly happy to step over kids on the floor playing video games and adults chewing on a drumstick to take her vitals. We appreciate their great attitudes very much!

We have been getting lots of inquiries about the possibility of becoming a donor when Marcia gets to the point of a bone marrow transplant. We will be posting an entry tomorrow with resources on how to do that for those who are interested. Once her blood count numbers come into the right range and hold there long enough, that will be the next step in her recovery so we want to have everything positioned for a "go" when it occurs.

She remains in "visitable" mode and has enjoyed all of your messages and visits tremendously.

Again, thanks to everyone for your good thoughts and wishes and prayers!

Marcia's family

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having more fun than I am! you go girl! Thinking good thoughts for you. Love ya, Barb
